Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Comedy Store Anyone...

Well this post has been in the making for a long time now...At least in my head...

Every time I sit down thinking I'll recollect and note down my experience about "The Comedy Store" in Phoenix Mills, Mumbai, I am hit by a brain freeze and then conveniently procrastinate the blog for another sitting...:)

Well my first experience of this very successful franchise has left me wanting for more...Right from the ticket counter to the bouncers at the entrance to the bar attendant, and the usher who saw us to our seats, the experience was wonderful, since the franchise made it a point to treat every patron with the same respect and care...Well good to see that at least some businesses in India is taking care to engage with the customer and trying to provide the best of service, and not solely focussed on improving their bottom lines and sales...

Getting back to the main highlight of the evening, the show itself was wonderful...The entertainers for the night were all from the country of the Queen, England and there was enough of English humor to keep the laughing exercise going for the entire evening...

The performers were hilarious and really quick witted (well I presume that's why they are in the business in the first place)...Prior to the show, me n my friends were skeptical to sit in the front rows, cause we had heard that the comedian really take the case of the guys sitting up front.

I was all ready to get a hammering of my life and be the butt of all jokes for the evening for wearing yellow colored shoes to the show that day, but lucky we were seated at the back and safe from the vision of the performers (at least my bright colored shoes weren't visible)...

Well coming back to the performance, they did a great job in keeping the crowd engaged for the complete duration of 2 hrs of the show which also include a break of 10-15 minutes...Good idea to force a break for the patrons to go and spurge some more dough on the expensive food dished out by the in house restaurant/eating joint...

The theme of the jokes, though left me a bit disappointed...Most of the jokes had sexual overtures, which will have anyone in splits but the over bearing use of the same kind of content got too boring for me after a while.Though I couldn't stop laughing for a second till the show ended, I was bored with the same topic of India's crowded roads, population and sex which was repeated in-numerous times the entire evening...

Having paid a premium for the show, I was left a bit disappointed with the lack of variety and topics which could have been brought forward by the performers...

Never the less, at the end of the day, I would recommend the show to any and everyone over the age of 18 & who has an open mind and the innate quality to be able to laugh at yourself what ever the situation, because you never know when you could be the next target of the performers...

I would love to get into a verbal duel with one these guys the next time I go to the Store which I most definitely will, just to test my mettle against these seasoned campaigners and see how badly I get butchered in the battle of words and wits...
Well there is always a first time...Right...

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