Monday, May 3, 2010

How Ironic Part II

Well it seems it was a week of ironies for me. On Friday, at work as I was browsing through facebook (yeah that's a part of my J.D here at HUL), I came across a status message of one of my friend from engineering college.The guy has been in the U.S for the past 3 years and I hadn't communicated with him since then. I was very tempted to reply to his status message but decided against it in the end.
Well to my utter amazement I met the same guy, in the evening when I was on my way to Sambit's place to have a few rounds of beer.
The expression on my face said it all...It seemed as if I had seen a ghost...Well how ironic is that!!
Anyways this friend of mine is in Mumbai for a few months now & when I met him he was also on his way to grab a few drinks with his friends near Dadar...Hahaha...
Well isn't it funny that the status message which started this whole thing was the following: -
" Mixing drinks is never a good idea"...LoL

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