After having spent the night before my speech roaming around town in Manila and having a sumptuous meal at Fort, I came back late in the night and got working on my speech and ppt presentation way past midnight.
Thanks to Harsh and Supriya I was able to conjure up a decent ppt on my topic which was "Who was Henry VIII?"
It was fascinating to know about King Henry VIII, thanks to Wikipedia and Google search but my predicament was how to present the speech in front of my class.The amount of data which I wanted to share was not easily compressible into a 5 min speech.
Well, D-day was to prove my worst fears true.I started off on the wrong not with some technical glitch while getting my presentation onto the projector.After the delay and the anticipation of the audience already over the hill, I began my speech the only way I could...Fast and Furious...Hee hee.
Well whatever planning I had done the previous night, all went up in smoke since as soon as I reached the podium and began my speech I had forgotten about all the ground rules I had set for myself and just began blabbering whatever came to my mind in those 4 minutes at the podium.
Thankfully the audience was appreciative of my effort and I saved face by at least having had good enough content to go with my blabbering self.
I guess next time, I'll have to recite my speech at least twice beforehand before going live.Avinash was the most impressive speaker of the day and his hard work of preparing and reciting beforehand really paid off well for him.
Well I just completed my assignment of writing on my reflection paper for the same speech and now since I have completed the unofficial reflection too, I am off to class again.
ps:- Today is a very highly anticipated day.First WAC (Written Analysis of cases) is to be held @ 5pm in Meralco casestudy room...:)
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