9th June'09...
First of all Happy Birthday Ankit...(Pariekh for the uninitiated; friend from DJ)...It's been 5 years since his last birthday celebrated here in India and to think of it; it's also been 5 years since my group of friends from engineering went off to the U.S for their masters.
However, back to AIM... Life is becoming a struggle each passing day, with time being a premium and sleep an unknown entity in itself.After having appeared for the QA quiz on Saturday, I let my self unwind completely in the night @ Mohit Gaurier's birthday by the pool side.It was a amazing fun night,with drinks flowing throughout the night and music blaring full blast till 6 am in the morning when we finally called it a night...
However each nice thing in life comes with a price and I had to pay for the night out partying by sacrificing on my sleep as the very next day I had my CAN/Learning team meet @ 1 pm.
CAN/Learning team:- It's a concept here in AIM wherein the entire class batch of 45 students have been divided in to 8 groups of 5-6 members each which are known as CAN group or learning teams.We are suppose to prepare for cases in our CAN group and present it in class as a group.It is aimed at improving our team work dynamics and analytical skills as well as giving us a real life experience of solving cases...
Well after a rather nice weekend, yesterday was really a awakening call after I gave my first official LOB quiz and it is safe to say that it was a disaster.For the first time in a long time, I was clueless as to when taking an exam.Well I guess my time to chillax and take it as it comes needs to cease immediately if I wish to extend my stay in the Philippines beyond September'09.
However today, has gone rather well.After a boring lecture of SMA, things look good with OM and then MC was the highlight of the day where we had to simulate an actual press conference as part of our learning & it is safe to say that CAN group 8 fared quite well as compared to most other groups.Right now I am sitting in the last lecture of the day i.e. QA and blogging myself to glory.
ps:- Happy anniversary Mom n Dad...& happy birthday once again Ankit...
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