What a whirlwind week I have had...This term just disappeared in front of my eyes. Can't believe that 10 weeks went by so quickly.I am almost done with my MBA.WOW!!!
The term started on 11th January'01 and though it was one of the shortest terms, I can't believe that it's all over.
I started this term completed rejuvenated from my trips to Banaue, Sagada and Boracay and was optimism personified as the term began.
All my personal problems seem to have been sorted and I was content with myself willing to take on the whole world.
One of the milestones which I set myself for this term was to try my very best to get into the so called "Deal List" for term 3. Hahaha....wishful thinking I say...
Well that plan fizzed out with in a week or so but I enjoyed every bit of the term and for once absorbed a lot of knowledge and wonderful take aways from the last 10 weeks.
I can actually be proud of the fact that in 2 of the electives I ended up with 100% attendance which is in itself a great achievement.
Also for the first time in my life I made a power point presentation all by myself making use of all the tit bits offered by office 2007.It sounds childish but I loved every moment of making it...
The term ended on a bitter/sweet note with the MR finals.A completely qualitative paper to decide whether I pass the subject or not.I had so much high hopes with the elective which actually stands for "Marketing Research" but it was taught by the worst professor that I have come across in my life as a student yet...
But the exam also bought back memories of engineering days where whenever we were not prepared for a exam or something we used to just write our name and leave.Well I took that practice on step further.Not only did I write gas on the whole paper but I actually started during the paper loudly and got the others to join me.Completely insane I tell you.Well I am sure to flunk that subject. Only God can help me get pass this one.
The end of the term was celebrated in true AIM fashion with a bash by the poolside and for once I saw all my classmates chilling and getting drunk together.What an experience.
It has been a good term overall...
Now MUMBAI... Here I come...
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