How does it feel when you have a person who is just like you in temperament as well as behaviour. In my case a loud mouth, with an in your face attitude, a noble to the core and a temper which when flares has no boundaries.
Well till date I thought I was the only one with this trait but after tonight the equations have altered. I used to feel angry at myself for letting loose which by the way always happens after a lot of instigation but after today I actually feel a bit sorry for myself as well as for my mirror image...Why you say? Well the reason being we both have the right idea and the right feeling about things just that we tend to show it is a different way for the other to gauge...
Too complicated...Well it is...Who said life was simple anyways...
Hi! Have you tried reading this book "The Secret Language of Birthdays." It can actually help you understand more of your temperament. Just thought of sharing that with you since Ive been following your blogs for a time now. :)
Hey thanks for the input Maya...Would definitely find time and get hold of the book...:)
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