Time:- 4.34 am
Date:- 3rd-Dec-09
Occasion:- Submission of my last WAC...
6 months back I submitted by 1st WAC amidst a lot of fan fare and enthusiasm all around.
Today after having completed the last of the 8 official WAC's which we are suppose to submit in order to receive a grade in WAC; there was a sense of relief and nostalgia rather than happiness and fulfillment.
The fact that this was our 3rd WAC in lest than a week also eroded me of my enthusiasm for the last WAC. However all things said and done another important part of AIM has ended for better or worse.
It has been so much fun writing these WAC's and it has been made even more fun due to the company which I have during these WACs.
Hence as I remember the list of the WACs written over the last 6 months ranging from HBO to marketing to economics to OM to FM to GM and last but not the least ABS, the nostalgic feeling resurfaces again and all the fond memories of those WAC nights come flowing into my mind.
I remember going through some ex-AIM student's blog before coming here and one thing he didn't fail to highlight was the excitement as well as the agony and tension of the WACs.
After having read that post I was dreading whether I will ever be able to do justice to these cases but after having survived the first half of my MBA without any major blip I can now safety say that it has been a pleasure taking on those WACs in the last 6 months and pouring out my B.S. as well as WACkiness on each one of them.
I close one more chapter in my AIM life, which is diminishing at an alarming rate.
Should I be happy or sad...that is the question ?...
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