Since the past 2 days I was having this insatiable urge of going for a jog in the rain. Today finally I was able to exercise my wish.
After the OM lecture got concluded at 11 a.m in the morning, I had a quick breakfast and then hit the road in my jogging track to enjoy the mid day heavy rain which was so similar to the one encountered back home in Mumbai.
The jog cum walk was a blissful experience with music in tow.I have no idea where I went I just followed the my mind and just started running where ever the road lead me.
This used to be my favorite past time back home. However due to the lack of physical activity as a part of my curriculum in AIM, I have been feeling a bit low for the past few days. There is nothing interesting to do here at the institute and to roam around the city I need company which is difficult because people have their own priorities plus there are the cases to be done too...
However back to jogging.I saw so many streets and their names but now when I try to recollect I can't even remember one...:)
But yeah it was fun finally venturing out near the institute and seeing first hand what all is there around AIM.
So now I know that I have a flower shop around the corner, a coffee shop which is open till late night, a pub which gives 3 beer for 100 pesos till 12 in the night and there is a pawn shop just behind the park where we plan frees-bee in the evenings.
All in all a perfect way to spend a lazy rainy day.Now I need to get ready for my HBO lecture which is scheduled in the next 35 mins. A hot shower ought to be great...
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