28th November'08...It's been more than 35 hrs since the terror attacks on Mumbai first surfaced....What has this world come to...
Was it not enough for a person to be utterly scared of travelling in crowded trains and buses hoping that one he/she is travelling in does'nt blow up in pieces that we have to encounter a new level of terrorist attack and terrorism as a whole.
Who on earth would have believed 2 days back that a place like the Taj or the Oberoi could be target of such dastardly act of terror.
Till now the focus of terrorists had been the common middle class man but with the events of 26/11 it seems the focus has now shifted to include the high class faternity too...
It just seems that the common man has learnt to live with these tragedies now and included it as a part of his/her daily routine.
While going through a news post on one of the news sites I came across a very strange piece of information.It stated that post 9/11, India has been the country witness to maximum terror attacks, bomb blasts etc and the number of people killed in these terror attacks far outnumber the soilders killed in Kargil. I am not sure how true these reports & piece of information are but it does highlight for a fact that India has been the prime target for the terrorist since they came to prominence...
It real seems as if the average Indian walking on the street is just another Dead Man Walking in the offering...